Work With Me

Practice new ways of being and moving in the world.

Hi, I’m Jennifer,

I work with people who want to make changes in their lives. By looking for opportunities in the way you move, as recorded on paper, in other words, handwriting, I can guide you to have the life you want.

Just to be clear, I am not a handwriting analyst, since it would mean evaluating another person and, frankly, I don’t feel in a position to judge others.

If there is something you would like to be different in your life and you are interested in doing something about it, practicing new ways of being and moving in the world, we can start a coaching relationship. 

In a coaching relationship, after reviewing your handwriting, I give you detailed instructions on how the process works and what I want you to do. 

For the next 40 days, you practice the handwriting changes I give you every day.  



We speak over the phone 3 more times, usually about once every two weeks and correspond via email.


Before each call, you email me a picture of your handwriting so we can refer to it as we speak.


I guide you and support you in the changes, going as deep as you want during this time.

For this investment in having your life change, I ask $600.

Here is a sample of what clients say about working with me:

“In our first session you were able to articulate exactly what I am seeking by looking at my handwriting better than I can.”

“Jennifer told the truth about what she saw in my handwriting and how that may be reflecting in my life, which was right on, of course.  From there, it was surprising to me how quickly and easily those beliefs shifted by making subtle yet critical changes to a few letters.  If you’re ready to make some changes, this work is powerful.”

“Since I started to improve my handwriting with Jennifer’s coaching, I have started to have closer, more supportive relationships. I also notice more self-confidence. Jennifer is an intuitive coach whose very presence in the coaching process helps to expand and uplift consciousness. I highly recommend her to anyone interested in improving their life and luck.”

Thanks for sharing your stories and experiences, they really help to make the concepts live inside of me. All of the letters now have more personality. Thank you for offering this class. I see it as a service to the community of people who want to make changes.”

I feel more balanced, more confident, and deeply happier. I am incredibly blessed to have embraced handwriting exercises as a deep practice. I truly experience a cellular change. Working on the flow and structure of my penmanship exercises a deep part of the brain that opens channels to change.”

Although I have been working with the Vimala alphabet for the past two years, I noticed that your class takes my understanding to a new level.”

To begin coaching

email me at