Change your handwriting,
change your life.

So you want to change your life?

Your handwriting tells a great deal about you, revealing exactly how you feel about yourself and the world. When you change your handwriting, you actually change your life. Each time you form letters, you reinforce a worldview.

Re-create your world

We create our world and so we can re-create it using our handwriting.


The Vimala ALphabet

The Vimala Alphabet, has been meticulously developed for its ability to support noble human values.

Recognize Your Gifts

It encourages us to recognize and bring forth our unique gifts to the world.

Transform your life

We learn how to use the energy that centers on our writing to transform our lives.

Jennifer Crebbin teaches a writing style that better equips people to be powerful contributors in the world. 

Her direct experience of the transformative power of the Vimala alphabet, having reaped the benefits of completely reshaping her own handwriting, has led her to sharing this work. Her unique way working both supports and encourages you to make changes in your writing and life.


“My handwriting practice with the Vimala Alphabet (as taught my Jennifer Crebbin) is more than I ever anticipated. By-passing old habits of dead thinking, it literally strengthens my etheric body, grounds me in the present, and increases my consciousness in relationship to myself, others and spirit.”

Pamela Sophiajohn, Owner, The Non-profit Writer

"Working with Jennifer has been nothing short of transformational and life affirming. She’s the real deal, an extremely intuitive and wise teacher. In our first conversation she was able to relate some specific negative things that kept showing up in my life just by looking at my handwriting. Synchronicity and serendipity became an almost daily occurrence, and I solved a particularly challenging living situation that at the time I was pretty hopeless about. I felt more confident in my day-to-day interactions and pushed through to completion on some creative work that I had been putting off. I look at it as one of my most productive, organizing, joyful times in my life, and I’m so grateful to have worked with her."

Sean Alexander, musician

“I love understanding the alphabet as sacred symbols, and found Jennifer’s coaching to be extremely helpful. She is intuitive, honoring, and straightforward. Jennifer told the truth about what she saw in my handwriting and how that may be reflecting in my life; which was right, on of course. From there, it was surprising to me how quickly and easily those beliefs shifted by making subtle yet critical changes to a few letters. If you’re ready to make some changes, this work is powerful.”

Debra Lambrecht, Business Consultant

Soul Development Through Handwriting

The Waldorf Approach to the Vimala Alphabet

How the Letters Dance Me

A Guidebook for the Vimala Alphabet